Book Award Pro review: Destiny Lives on Fairhaven Street by C.J. Hudson

Book Award Pro
At Book Award Pro, we love hearing about our authors' award-winning success. Here's an inspiring Book Award Pro review:
After winning multiple awards through Book Award Pro, C.J. began receiving the author notoriety he deserved, shortly followed by career-changing publishing deals.

C.J. Hudson, Book Award Pro user and author of The Fairhaven Series, is now the winner of fourteen awards thanks to the proven power of Book Award Pro. In a recent testimonial, C.J. said:
“When I began querying ‘Destiny Lives on Fairhaven Street’ with agents and publishers, I was told I had about a 97% chance of failure. I sent 138 queries and received 138 rejections. The most frustrating part of the rejections wasn’t the occasional nasty bit of feedback I would get, rather it was the knowledge that no one was giving my book any chance at all… it seemed no one would give it a serious look.”
This is an all too common challenge among authors. Without accolades to validate the quality of your book, it can be difficult to garner the serious consideration and attention you deserve. Book Award Pro makes winning awards as simple as signing up and puts your book on the map as a literary great. C.J. went on to discuss his decision to join Book Award Pro:
“One of my rejectors gave me some advice: put the novel up for an award. If it won, it would go a long way to get the attention of a publisher or agent.
I found Book Award Pro on Google and decided to give it a shot. As I began the process to self publish, I began submitting for the awards Book Award Pro matched for my book.
A month later, ‘Destiny Lives on Fairhaven Street’ won its first award. Then a second. Then a third. Eleven months later, ‘Destiny’ received its FOURTEENTH award as a finalist in the Hearten Uplifting and Inspiring Non-Fiction portion of the Chanticleer International Book Awards. My editor strongly urged me to resubmit for publication…if one award would get their attention, imagine what fourteen would do.”

C.J. is right: There are endless opportunities that becoming an award winner can open for your book. There truly is no limit to what book awards can do for your career as an author, even if you don’t win.
After winning a multitude of awards through Book Award Pro, C.J. began receiving the author notoriety he deserved, shortly followed by career-changing publishing deals. He said:
“... I sent it out to five publishers. Within ten minutes, I received a response from one wanting the entire manuscript right away. I obliged and within thirty-six hours they made me an offer for publishing rights.
Then, the unthinkable happened: I got a second full request and subsequent offer from another publisher. I now found myself in the enviable position of having to turn down publishers. I eventually made my decision and at the end of Summer 2023, ‘Destiny Lives on Fairhaven Street’ will go on sale under Black Rose Publishing.”
Inspired by C.J.’s story and curious to see how Book Award Pro can jumpstart your book’s success? Check out our plans to see which is best for you and start winning!